Friday, December 26, 2008

Here are a couple more photos of the boys. I included a video of Mason looking at the 4 wheeler...he really loves to ride.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Hebron Hillbillies are gettin ready for Christmas. Cindy has her stocking hung hoping they will be dry by the 25th. Brenden and Ethan are off for two weeks and are ready for Santa to come. All Ethan wants is a Nintendo DS...he said he would give up everything else if he could just get that. Brenden wants everything to do with Nintendo Wii and a new DS also. Aaron just wants his two front teeth and Mason...well all he wants is FOOD!

Here are some new photos hope everyone has a great Christmas.



Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mason takes the cake and Ice Cream too

Here is a video of Mason at his Birthday Party.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Is it Baby Jake or Jacob....we'll just call him JC for now!

Our newest member of the family came on 11/26! Everyone is healthy and doing well. I'm sure Cindy will update all once she gets out, but for now here are some photos of the little guy.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cincinnati Bengals Fans

Brenden and Ethan had their faces painted at our ward picnic Bengal style. Last month our neighbor Mark gave the boys tickets to their first Bengal game. They had a great time with Dad and Uncle Paul.